WOD gia to spiti 32
A) Warm up 10 Knee hug 10 Quad stretch 10 Standing pigeon 10 Bazw kaltson 10 Elbow to knee 10 Samson stretch B) For Quality 3 – 4 Rounds 10 / 10 Bulgarian Squat 20 Feet Elevated Glute Bridge 30 Box Step 10 Pallof Press C) For Time 3 Rounds 30 Mountain Climbers 11 Burpeees […]

WOD gia to spiti 31
A) Mobility 10 Downward Dog + Twisted Cross + Seal Pose 5- 10s hold 20 Regular Plank to Side Plank 10 PVC Shoulder Dislocates 10 Pelvic Tilt With Arms Reaching OH – 3sec hold 10 Scapula Activation B) For Quality 50 dips 1min hollow hold 50 shoulder taps 1min hollow hold 50 devil press 1min […]

WOD gia to spiti 30
A) Mobility 5 / 5 knee rocks – hamstring stretch / το πόδι πατάει στην καρέκλα 5 / 5 1/4 squat foot elevated / 5 sec hold 10 / 10 Chest opener 10 Standing Y raises 5 Seated forward fold to groin stretch / 5 – 10sec hold 10 frog rocks 5 / 5 Squat […]

WOD gia to spiti 29
A) Mobility 2min box thoracic stretch 1min ankle mobility with object / ένα λεπτό σε κάθε πόδι 10 Hamstring dynamic stretch / 3sec hold 10 Cow-cat 5 / 5 Downward dog / pigeon 10 Downward dog calf stretch 5 / 5 Adductor dynamic mobility 5 / 5 Hip opener and reach 5 / 5 Hip […]

WOD gia to spiti 28
A) Warm up 8 Downward Dog to Cobra 10 / 10 Hip Opener With reach 5 / 5 Hamstring Stretch 10 / 10 Kneeling Snatch 10 / 10 One Arm Turkish Sit Ups 20 Frog Glute Bridges B) Chipper Day For Time 100 Mountain Climbers 90 Double Unders 80 Russian Twists 70 Double Down Ups […]

WOD gia to spiti 27
A) Warm up 2 Rounds 10 / 10 Thorascic Rotation 10 Child pose / R+L=1rep 10 Reverse Angels 10 / 10 Bird Dog + Fire Hydrant 10 / 10 Seated Leg Lift 30s Hollow Hold 5 / 5 Prisoner Tall Kneeling To Standing B) For Time For Time 21 – 15 – 9 Push Ups […]

WOD gia to spiti 26
A) Warm up 8 min AMRAP 5 PVC shoulder dislocates / 8 sec each rep 6 Inchworm ITYW 5 reps on each 6m Crab walk / 6 table bridges B) Sweet Week Finisher For Time 10 – 9 – 8 – 7 – 6 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1 Shoot […]

WOD gia to spiti 25
A) Warm up 8 PVC Shoulder Dislocates – slow! 8 Box Stretch 5sec hold 8 / 8 Thoracic Rotations 8 / 8 Down Dog to Runner’s Lunge 10 / 10 Frog Stretch 90/90 Hip Stretch – 5 each side 10 Trap-3 Raise 30 sec Sumo Squat Hold B) 3 Rounds for Quality 8 / 8 […]

WOD gia to spiti 24
A) Warm up 1. Mobility 6 Child pose with reaching 5 child pose to Cobra 5 / 5 Thread the needle Wrists stretch 5 / 5 Hamstring Stretch 10 PVC passes 2. Activations Tabata 20sec on / 10sec off x 8 Reverse plank Scapular push ups Swimming Hold the wall B) 30min EMOM 45sec work […]

WOD gia to spiti 23
A) Warm up Mobility 5 / 5 knee rocks – hamstring stretch / το πόδι πατάει στην καρέκλα 5 / 5 1/4 squat foot elevated / 5 sec hold 10 / 10 Chest opener 10 Standing Y raises 5 Seated forward fold to groin stretch / 5 – 10sec hold 10 Frog rocks 5 / […]